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The Fan-Made Live Action 'Futurama' Is Funny, Creepy, And Impressive All At Once

By Petr Navovy | Videos | December 28, 2016 |

By Petr Navovy | Videos | December 28, 2016 |

Go down to the crossroads of ‘Holy shit this is impressive’ and ‘This…this is kinda creepy’ and you know what you’ll find? The recently-released live-action Futurama fan movie.

Directed By Futurama fan Dan Lanigan, and written by Lanigan, Andy Klimczak, and Kody Frederick, Fan-O-Rama, is something to behold. Practical effects, a tone fairly true to the original cartoon, and a few genuinely decently done jokes — it’s not perfect by any means, but it’s definitely a piece of work that deserves your attention:


Petr Knava
lives in London and plays music