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'The Daily Show' Explains How We Broke Scalia

By Emily Cutler | Videos | June 30, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | June 30, 2015 |

In the midst of Friday’s celebration, it might be easy to forget that some people lost something that same day. Well, technically, they only lost the ability exert their unfair power on others and prevent them from obtaining the full rights of citizenship. But losing that case must have really stung. And for Justice Antonin Scalia, it must have stung a few times over.

Between the Obamacare and marriage equality ruling, Scalia had a very bad day. By this point you’ve probably heard about his dissenting opinions in both the Obamacare case (the jiggery- pokery one) and in the marriage equality case (the one that throws in a hippie burn for no reason).

It would be easy to mock him both for the losses he suffered and for his seemingly inevitable march into irrelevance. That must actually be difficult for Scalia. The current longest serving Justice has watched his reputation as a legal titan be reduced to mostly a joke. I could easily mock Scalia by pointing out that both age and frequent legal inconsistencies, if not outright hypocrisies, have turned him into the Court’s grumpy old man. Or that his desperation to cling to a worldview that is rapidly becoming laughable only increases the rate at which most people view him as an object of comical scorn more than anything else. I could do that, but I won’t. Because it’s so much easier to let The Daily Show do it for me.

At this point, for Scalia’s sake, we can only hope that no one’s filled him in on applesauce’s other meaning.