By Brock Wilbur | Videos | May 15, 2014 |
By Brock Wilbur | Videos | May 15, 2014 |
One of the weirdest little back alleys of the Internet involves a Tumblr called The Godzilla Remix Project. Its simple thesis is this:
In 1998 Green Day remixed their classic “Brain Stew” for the soundtrack of the Godzilla remake by adding Godzilla roars. No one has used this remix method since. Until now.
The result is a maddeningly addictive collection of songs, advertisements, music videos, and news clips in which the aforementioned Godzilla roar is layered in; undeniably enhancing the Godzilla-ness of the previous work. For several years, it has been the place I go to when a crappy day just refuses to turn around, because without fail the Godzilla Remix Project will reduce me to tears of joy. It’s impossible to explain the jazz-like timing perfection of these Godzilla placements, so let me simply share a few examples.
And of course, the pinnacle of musical comedy, the Green Day — Brain Stew (Godzilla Remix [Godzilla Remix]). Please make sure to read the comments on this video (like many of the others) in which people from the internet get very upset and debate whether this has more roars or the same number of roars as the source material, and debate the artistic merit of said choice.
Thankfully, comedian Joe McAdam who created this mad experiment, has promised more new videos in the coming weeks to celebrate the release of a new Godzilla film. Today saw the first post in more than two years, and it does not disappoint.
Make sure to check back at The Godzilla Remix Project for updates and a plethora of other selections, including an entire Catholic Mass.