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Take a Break from the Hurricane Coverage and Watch The 100 Greatest Horror Movie Quotes of All Time

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | October 29, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | October 29, 2012 |

Publisher’s Note: In case you missed it last year, just want to see it again, or need a way a distraction from storm coverage, we’re republishing The 100 Greatest Horror Movie Quotes of All Time two days ahead of Halloween

Ahead of Halloween, our illustrious video editor, Harry Hanrahan, is debuting another one of this 100 Quote video masterpieces here on Pajiba. It’s not for the faint of heart. For those hoping for some comic relief, you won’t find it here. There are no pithy one liners or Evil Dead II quips. These quotes are purely of the scary variety, and Harry scoured the best horror movies of all time to compile another extensive montage designed for the hardest of the hard-core horror movie movie fans.

Pull up a seat. Take your place on the edge of it, and soak in the terror.