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Testing Amy Schumer's Waters: 'Trainwreck' Trailer

By Emily Cutler | Videos | February 12, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | February 12, 2015 |

When Judd Apatow’s newest film Trainwreck was announced last year, the cast was one of the least comprehensible in recent history.

But now having seen the Red Band trailer … it makes slightly more sense. I think. (NSFW).

Here’s what definetly makes sense:
1.) The commitment- phobe party girl character. While the movie was directed by Apatow, it was written by Schumer (the first movie she’s written) meaning I’m significantly less worried that the leading lady will be just a caricature.

2.) Bill Hader as a romantic lead. Make a note people: I’m calling Stefon as the next Matthew McConaughey.

3.) Tilda Swinton as everyone’s boss. Everyone’s.

Here’s what I still don’t understand though:
1.) How in the hell will they actually be able to fit the whole cast into this movie. I hope you liked that scene with Brie Larson and Mike Birbiglia because they’re not in this movie anymore. You just saw their whole performance.

2.) LeBron James as an actor. No. Just no.

3.) Whatever is going on here:
That’s Marisa Tomei, who is listed as being in the movie, with Daniel Radcliffe, who is not. But definitely that scene happened somewhere near Judd Apatow.
So here’s my real confusion: What kind of kickass movie do you have on your hands when a side plot involving Marisa Tomei dating a dog- walking Daniel Radcliffe doesn’t cut it for the trailer?