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Supercut: Every Time Archer Snidely Referenced A Book

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | April 7, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | April 7, 2015 |

One of the many joys of FX’s Archer is that smug sense of satisfaction you get when Sterling, Lana or Mallory chucks out an esoteric reference, and you (yes you!) catch it. Like that time it’s revealed it was really a heroin-fueled Woodhouse that shot and killed William S. Burroughs’ wife Joan Vollmer in that notorious William Tell party trick gone horribly wrong.



Well, Archer drops names like his mother does scathing zingers. Thankfully, Indiewire has carefully collected every moment where Archer himself threw down a literary allusion in this handy supercut: