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Someone Needs to Fact Check the Debates, and That Someone Should Obviously Be Ron Howard

By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 13, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 13, 2016 |

We’ve got one more debate before Election Day, and it’s pretty unrealistic to think that event could be anything but a hate-watch. By this point, most of us don’t even know why they’re even still holding debates at all. What’s the point, when Trump and Pence have proven that you can literally just say any words at all and call it “debating.” Their blatant lies and denials have made for some fantastic Clinton rebuttal ads, but that doesn’t lessen the anxiety many of us already feel just thinking about these horror shows.

While on-the-spot fact checking would be a nice addition to the presidential debates, YouTube genius NeverCaesar came up with an even better idea: Ron Howard fact-checking voice over narration, Arrested Development style.

I was bummed to see that that video up there only uses Howard’s old narration from the show,but this idea is great enough that if we beg real hard, maybe we could get him to provide new narration for some real Trump fact-checking. We need someone to hold these debates to some sort of truth standard, but nothing Trump says is worthy of anything beyond Howard’s wry, patronizing quips. No one’s voice is more perfect for rebutting Trump’s basic lies than Ron Howard. We need to make this happen.