By Joanna Robinson | Videos | November 5, 2013 |
By Joanna Robinson | Videos | November 5, 2013 |
According to the inventor of these “sentient” light fixtures, Bob de Graaf, he was greatly influenced by the movie Wall-E. Damnit, Pixar, Wall-E and his damnably irresistible soft shoe routine has damn near eroded people’s justifiable fear of “sentient” technology. Has de Graaf never seen 2001: A Space Odyssey? The Terminator tetralogy? I feel like these should be required viewing for inventors with bright ideas.
Anyway, these nightmare bulbs (nicknamed “Wallace” and “Darwin”) would work like so:
‘Wallace’ seeks out the darkest space in a room and brings light to it. Having done that, it’s no longer the darkest space, so he moves on, constantly bringing light where it is darkest. Meanwhile solar-powered ‘Darwin’ searches for sunlight during daylight hours to charge his battery, and in the evening wanders around the house seeking movement - accompanying people with his light.
Do I sound too much like some sort of luddite who fears all advances in technology? Well good. You tell me how you feel when Darwin snakes his creepy face into frame. They should have just scored this video to “Bicycle Built For Two” and been done with it. Good luck sleeping with your bedside light on tonight.
(via io9)