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Seth Meyers Orchestrates the Very Necessary Apology Between James Van Der Beek and Mike Birbiglia

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 29, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 29, 2014 |

So Mike Birbiglia (who most of us know from This American Life, and his movie based on his This American Life story) tells this great story about the time he met James Van Der Beek. People had been telling Birbiglia, see, that he and Van Der Beek shared an uncanny resemblance, and when Birbiglia finally got the opportunity to meet Van Der Beek backstage during a taping of Carson Daly’s show, Birbiglia mentioned this to Van Der Beek, and as Birbiglia tells it, Van Der Beek “gave me a look of judgement that I would wish on no one.”

So, Meyers, who is friends with Birbiglia, had Van Der Beek on his show last night to promote his new sitcom (which kicks off after this Monday’s series finale of How I Met Your Mother), and Meyers finally put the two together so that Van Der Beek could appropriately apologize for being a dick.