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Ryan Reynolds, Anna Kendrick, And Gemma Arterton's Head In The Fridge: 'The Voices' Trailer

By Emily Cutler | Videos | January 22, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | January 22, 2015 |

Before anyone ever attempts to make a black- comedy, I think they should have to read and re- read these lines from Cinesnark’s review of Miss Meadows:

A movie like this requires two things: 1) Total commitment to the premise, and 2) a hella compelling lead performance.

And The Voices? How did you do?

I’m not sure about the compelling lead performance yet, but goddamn if they didn’t commit. Sidenote to Ryan Reynolds: only take roles as psychopaths from now on. You haven’t been this weirdly likable in a movie in years.