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Ron Burgundy Interviews Peyton Manning on Sportscenter and It's a Succulent, Scotch-y Delight

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | December 4, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | December 4, 2013 |

Will Ferrell continues his promotion for Anchorman 2, which basically amounts to him playing Ron Burgundy in various real-world situations (he hosted a local newscast in North Dakota the other night, for instance). Last night, he hosted ESPN’s Sportscenter and got the opportunity to interview Peyton Manning.

And this is the perfect example of why Manning is better than Brady. Peyton have the statistical advantages already, and sure, Brady has 3 Super Bowl rings to Peyton’s one. But, Peyton bested Brady on Saturday Night Live, and is absolutely crushing Brady in the sponsorship deals (thanks to Peyton having the highest Q score in sports). This interview is precisely why: When you’re talking to Ron Burgundy, Peyton knows simply to nod along, play the straight man, and allow Burgundy to create the magic. He just hands the ball off to Burgundy and lets him run through the tackles and score.