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Rihanna Gives Kimmel An April Fool's Wake Up Call

By Emily Cutler | Videos | April 2, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | April 2, 2015 |

If I’m being totally honest with you, I don’t love April Fool’s Day. I like that some of the funnier sites on the web use the day to run satirical articles exposing societal hypocrisy (*winky emoji*), but just writing lies online isn’t an April Fool’s joke. Remember when Yahoo! News posted an article two years ago about how Jennifer Lawrence was dropping out of The Hunger Games? That is not a joke.

It’s like someone said, “Let’s do a whole prank day, but instead of doing the work involved in a good prank we’ll just *say* things that are pranks.” Well, that’s called lying, and lying should only be used in order to get things. Why would anyone lie to someone, AND THEN IMMEDIATELY TELL THEM THEY ARE LYING? THAT’S NOT WHAT LYING IS FOR.

But an actual prank? Specifically a well- executed, beautiful- in- its- simplicity prank? Those I can absolutely get behind.