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The President Is Obama as F**k As He Shuts Down a Heckler at an LGBT Event

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 25, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 25, 2015 |

Much of the country may already be looking forward to the next Presidential election, but President Obama is still running the country, and lately, he’s been assertive in the way that only a man who never had to run for office again can be. Earlier this week, he appeared on Marc Maron’s WTF Podcast (a podcast, people!), dropped the N-word and talked sh*t about Fox News.

Obama continued in that vein last night at an LGBT event last night, shutting down a heckler, saying that he will not accept that sort of behavior in his house before having the shit-disturber tossed out. “Shame on you,” he said. “Not up in my house.”

The President is clearly in the “Obama as Fuck” era of his administration.

Update: Though it’s not mentioned in the source article, and I don’t know if Obama knew what the heckler was shouting (I couldn’t make it out), Mrs. Pajiba-hyphenate tells me that the “heckler” was not a right-wing lunatic, but rather someone protesting the abuse that transgender immigrants face in detention centers. That knowledge, of course, takes all the joy out of the moment, and turns it into kind of a bummer.

The woman, Jennicet Gutiérrez, explained why she spoke up to the Advocate:

“[Obama] came out, started speaking and started to get into his speech on how wonderful everything is,” Gutiérrez says. “And I couldn’t help but think about the conditions that my LGBTQ Latino/Latina, especially trans women of color, are facing in detention. So, to me, that was the moment I had to speak up. I had to raise awareness to the President and to everyone else watching that I’m not just going to celebrate, when my trans sisters are facing a lot of violence in the detention centers. [Trans women are facing] sexual and physical abuse, and I just had to send a message.”

It wasn’t the right place or the right way to speak out, but obviously Gutiérrez and her concerns should also be heard and acknowledged.

via The Guardian