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Peter Jackson's First Set Video And The Ten Most Hobbity-Faced Actors To Have Never Played Hobbit

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | April 21, 2011 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | April 21, 2011 |

Oy, Tolkeinerds, don’t worry, it’s safe to come out, I’ve locked Dustin up in the cupboard for the afternoon. As a present to you, here’s Peter Jackson’s first video from the set of The Hobbit. There’s something for everyone: fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, horseback riding, costumes, fatsuit humor, a blessing of the soundstage and miracles. If you’ve never seen a Jackson set video before, I really recommend you have a look. He’s very charming, rumpled and cute and if you stick around long enough you can hear him promise to stick a fan up Ian McKellan’s robes.

And while I have no problem whatsoever with the once and future hobbit actors, I do think it’s a shame these following performers (bulbous of nose or appley of cheeks) were never tapped to fill the floppy, hairy hobbit feet.

1. James “Has Experience With Hairy Feet” McAvoy
2. Seth “Trade The Maui Wowie For Some Old Toby” Rogen
3. Toby “We’re Going To Need A Bigger Wig” Jones
4. Paul “Looks Like He Lives In A Hole” Giamatti
5. Lucy “Yes There Are Lady Hobbits” Davis
6. Simon “Had A Few Too Many Flagons From The Green Dragon” Pegg
7. Michael “Twiddles Daisies Betwixt His Toes” Cera
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8. Timothy “Shaggiest Brows In The Shire” Spall
9. Nick “Enjoys Both Elevensies And Second Breakfast” Frost
10. Pete “Mind The Old Gaffer” Postlethwaite (R.I.P.)

Joanna Robinson concedes that this might be the dorkiest thing she has ever written. Maybe. Email! Twitter!