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No, Murdering Your Best Friend Is Not a 'Prank,' Assholes

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | December 1, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | December 1, 2015 |

Dear YouTube Turdflingers —

Pretending to kill someone is not a “prank.” It is violent, emotional abuse. Staging an scene to make it look like a kid has died in a horrific accident in front of his mother is not funny. It’s sociopathic.

But that is only half a sick as what happens in this video, where a guy abducts his friend, throws a hood over his head, tapes him up, throws him in the back of his trunk, and takes him to the roof of a building, where he removes the hood so that the guy can see his best friend “shot” in the head and murdered.

For laughs.

Warning: This video will cause black-out rage.

That’s not funny. That’s fucked up. It’s psychotic. It’s cruel. It’s reckless. It’s mean. There are so many ways this prank could’ve gone wrong, and someone could’ve gotten badly injured, and just because it’s later revealed to be a prank doesn’t mean that the guy who watched his best friend die — and begged and weeped for his own life — didn’t feel the trauma, and that trauma sticks, regardless of whether it’s a prank.

It’s fucking with people’s brains, and if my best friend did this to me, 1) he wouldn’t be my best friend anymore, and 2) I would sue the sh*t out of him for emotional distress.