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Need An Excuse To Watch Pedro Pascal Make Out With Heidi Klum?

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | April 24, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | April 24, 2015 |

Forget Maddie Ziegler. In the latest Sia music video, Heidi Klum dons that blonde bob, struts about in her fancy undies, sets a house ablaze and MAKES OUT REPEATEDLY WITH PEDRO PASCAL.

Heidi Klum is living the life we dream of. NBD.

Check out “Fire Meets Gasoline (by Heidi Klum)”

So maybe you’re wondering why Maddie the mad “Chandelier” moppet isn’t in this vid? Or why it breaks so much from Sia’s latest music vids like “Big Girls Cry” and “Elastic Heart”? Or why we focus SO much on Klum’s body and so little on Pascal’s? Or why does Heidi Klum have her name stitched into her unmentionables? Well, Sia explains it all:

And just because:

What you get for passing out on the beach. #SiaKung #HongKong

A photo posted by Pedro Pascal (@pascalispunk) on

Kristy Puchko is kind of obsessed with “Elastic Heart.”