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Mindy Kaling Channels Her Inner Paul Giamatti

By Vivian Kane | Videos | March 20, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | March 20, 2014 |

In the mood to watch two women who know nothing about wine talk about wine while drinking straight from the bottle? How about if one of those women is Mindy Kaling? Of course you are.

The very best wine descriptors:

“It’s a real pretty red.” “Right? It’s like magenta-y.”

“This is a great-smelling wine.”

“I smell, like, alcoholy smell.”

“It stings my mouth.”

“It kind of reminds me of jump-roping when I was a kid.”

Via Cosmo.

Vivian Kane is definitely going to start applying the Ross test to her own personal wine tastings.