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Miley Cyrus Does Promos For "SNL," Finally Explains The Damn Tongue Thing.

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | October 2, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | October 2, 2013 |

Miley Cyrus is acting as both the host and musical guest on this week’s episode of “SNL.” From Tiny Fey to Miley, hunh? Okay? Despite the fact that Cyrus (or her publicist) recently said some very intelligent things about the over-blown reaction to her VMA performance, I don’t remember her being a very good host last time. Oh except for her Bieber impression. That was gold. Anyway, as you would expect, her promos (and probably a lot of this week’s episode) focus on the controversy surrounding Miley, her music and her tongue. Enjoy!