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Maybe Don't Use the Horrors of 9/11 to Sell Mattresses

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 9, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 9, 2016 |

I know there are a lot of mattress stores in America, and it’s hard for them to distinguish themselves from the competition, but there have to be better ways than this.

“What better way to remember 9/11 than with a Twin Towers sale?”

How about all of them?

There’s a lot of “maybe don’t do thats” in this commercial, but leading the way is “Maybe don’t stack up a pile of mattresses to resemble the Twin Towers,” “maybe don’t exploit 9/11 to sell mattresses,” and “maybe don’t have the two men in the commercial crash into the Twin Towers of mattresses.”

“We’ll never forget,” the woman in the ad exclaims.

Former customers of the Texas mattress store are not likely to forget, either.
