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'Life After Beth' Trailer: Aubrey Plaza at Her Aubrey Plaza-est

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 10, 2014 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 10, 2014 |

Aubrey Plaza, Dane DeHaan, John C Reilly, Molly Shannon and Anna Kendrick are in a movie together. What’s that movie about you ask? Who cares? Why are you still bothering to read this? Click the play button already.

I know.

Short of the live action Daria remake (side note, how do we make that happen?), zombie love interest might be Plaza’s quintessential role. Will the science behind resurrection be properly explained? Does anyone bother to point out that the embalming process would probably have left her looking not hot like she does? Will the ending satisfy both the comedic and emotional elements of the story? Oh, I don’t know, did you see Plaza set a lifeguard station on fire with her punches?

My only real concern is the “Coming Soon” note at the end. It’s set for limited release on August 15th, but I want it now, damnit.

And Aubrey, if you think I haven’t already put you at the top of my Pajiba 10 2015 list, you’re sorely mistaken.