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Let This Heavy Metal 'Moana' Cover Lead You Down A Rabbit Hole Of Awesome

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | January 18, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | January 18, 2017 |

The music from Moana is catchy, captivating, and we can’t get enough. From “You’re Welcome,” to “How Far I’ll Go” to “Shiny” , the whole soundtrack is all kinds of wonderful. With love for the movie mounting, covers are coming. And this metal spin on the villain’s big-bling song is so shiny it scored a Jemaine Clement retweet.

Considering how on point that cover was, you better believe I fell down the rabbit hole, chasing down more from its creator Jonathan Young. Turns out “Shiny” was not his first Moana spin. Here he sings “How Far I’ll Go” like he’s a boy band of one.

Naturally there’s a Frozen cover.

There’s also a bunch of Pokemon stuff, which I don’t get because I’m an oldz.

But the Disney metal covers of villain songs? Oh, I’m here for that.

And how about a metal of Game of Thrones’ “Rains of Castamere?” You’re welcome.

You can find much, much more on Youtube.