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'Last Week Tonight"s Shallow Dives Will Help Soothe Your Weekend Hangover

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 6, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 6, 2015 |

I can only imagine that John Oliver is spending the long holiday weekend relaxing and resting up before his inevitable induction as a Pajiba 10. But that didn’t mean he was too busy to spend a few minutes giving us all of the important information we’ll need for the week.

Now clearly the pug dressed as the pug is this video’s MVP. But to fully appreciate John Oliver’s appeal, I need you to head back to the 1:30 mark. Because I know that some of you have looked at your spouse on your wedding day or at your newborn baby or the most spectacular sunset Earth has produced, and thought, “This is the most amazing thing I will ever see.” And you were wrong. Because this is the face of pure happiness.
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If you’ve ever been more delighted by anything than John Oliver is by the fact that Al Roker and Lenny Kravitz are cousins, then you my friend have a charmed life. Stop reading a bitchy pop culture website, and go save the world.