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Last Night on Craig Ferguson, Jon Hamm Addressed His Embarrassing, Douchey Appearance on a Dating Show 20 Years Ago

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 9, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 9, 2014 |

I mean, I look at that video from 20 years ago, in which Jon Hamm actually says the word “fabulosity,” and I look at Jon Hamm now, and it doesn’t even make sense to me that they’re the same person. There’s a physical resemblance, but the personality transformation has been unreal. It’s like that other guy was his long-lost twin brother who was raised by Ashton Kutcher.

Hamm addressed that video that resurfaced on Craig Ferguson last night, and he doesn’t even try and excuse it by saying it was scripted or that he was playing a role. He merely states that he made some “questionable decisions” when he was 24, and then makes light of the entire video in a way that is typical of Hamm’s charm and self-deprecation.