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John Oliver's Expose on Nuclear Weapons Will Scare Your Sh*t's Sh*t

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | July 28, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | July 28, 2014 |

During John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight last night (which really has become a weekly must-watch), Oliver began his longer issue segment on nuclear bombs, and I couldn’t imagine there’d be anything on the topic worth committing 15 minutes toward, nor could I imagine the threat of danger nuclear arms puts us in daily. And it’s not Iran, or Russia, or North Korea’s bombs we should be afraid of.

It’s our own.

While the United States has managed to whittle our nuclear stockpile down to 4,800 nuclear missiles — or enough to destroy the entire world at least 500 times — the weapons that we still maintain are not exactly in the best of hands.

I’ll let John Oliver explain, but I will say that — after you’ve seen this segment — you will probably find religion, because it is only by the grace of God that the United States has not lost a city or a state to our own bloody incompetence.