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John Oliver Reminds Us That Whoopi Goldberg's Infuriating Bill Cosby Support Is Nothing New

By Vivian Kane | Videos | July 13, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | July 13, 2015 |

Last week, Whoopi Goldberg took the migraine-inducingly incomprehensible stance that she refuses to think Bill Cosby has done anything wrong, and presumably wouldn’t until she witnessed him meet, drug, and rape a woman with her own eyes, from start to finish— and my guess is that even then she would “have some questions.” Now, I understand crazy people are going to have crazy opinions, and that’s their right. But when you are the host of a talk show and use that platform to cast shade at the now more than FIFTY women who have come forward to bravely talk publicly about their personal physical and emotional violations, just because you don’t want to insult a guy you’re kinda friends with… well, you don’t get to do that without making a lot of people very angry. And also without looking very, very dumb.

And lucky for us, on this weekend’s Last Week Tonight, John Oliver and his team reminded us that this is nothing new. Whoopi Goldberg is CONSTANTLY defending the indefensible, like Roman Polanski, Chris Brown, and her own career choices.

Thank you, Whoopi Goldberg, for reminding us just how long it’s been since you’ve been relevant.