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Jessica Williams Takes on Alabama's 'Crazy-Ass' Fetal Attorneys

By Vivian Kane | Videos | January 16, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | January 16, 2015 |

It’s been a while since we showed Jessica Williams being awesome. To remedy that, here she is talking to a “civil rights” attorney in Alabama who is fighting the super upsetting fight of making sure the right to an attorney is extended to the fetuses of teen mothers seeking abortions. She brings up some excellent questions, like “How do you meet confidentially with your client?” and “How do you know if a fetus is innocent?” After all, fetuses eat their own twins in utero ALL THE TIME, and as Williams puts it, “if that doesn’t sound evil, then what is?”

Williams also talks with ACLU of Alabama’s Executive Director Susan Watson, who brings up the fact that Alabama is “broke,” and therefore doesn’t have a statewide public defender system. So for every fetus who is appointed an attorney, that’s one actual, fully-gestated human being in need who doesn’t get legal representation. As Watson calls it, “It’s insulting. It’s particularly insulting to women.”