By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 3, 2014 |
By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 3, 2014 |
Jessica Williams, queen of the catcalling shutdown, is back with more tips on how to walk down the street without feeling all emotionally sticky afterward. Her last segment was more directed at the guys: a clear explanation of why their unsolicited “compliments” are not welcome. However, it’s been brought to our attention, via some repulsive male TV personalities, that “boys will be boys,” and by asking those boys to stop being gross human beings, we’re actually oppressing them. So sorry, dudes!
So Williams’ new segment is full of practical tips for women on how to avoid or ignore the creeps attentive gentlemen. Tips like: invest in oversized headphones, lock down your bitch face, and find a new route to work so as to avoid “wall street douches, white guys, Latino guys, black guys, Middle Eastern guys, really ANY men.” And if all else fails, you can always dance down the street belting “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” That’s a good deflection.