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Jessica Williams Can't Stop, Won't Stop Kicking 'Daily Show' Ass

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 18, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 18, 2014 |

Do you have a John Oliver-shaped hole in your heart, now that Last Week Tonight is on hiatus through the end of the year? She’s not exactly the same shape, but Jessica Williams sure strikes the same balance of hilarious and rage-making. Recently she’s given us her take on college rape, catcalling (twice!), and now she’s headed to Detroit to take a look at the city’s bankruptcy. The city’s poor are being disproportionately affected to a disgusting degree and I have to say, I’ve always loved The Daily Show’s investigative interviews (well, at least since Jon Stewart took over the show; before that they were just unnecessarily mean), but Williams has a different style that’s completely kickass. It’s less ironic mocking and more directly confrontational. She will not suffer anyone’s dickwad corrupt idiocy.