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Jeff Goldblum Flaunts His Pregnant Trophy Wife's Contortionist Skills on Letterman

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 10, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 10, 2015 |

62-year-old Jeff Goldblum married his third wife, Emilie Livingston (32), three months ago. The day before they married, Livingston — a former Olympian — informed Goldblum that she was pregnant. So far, despite the 30-year-old age difference, there’s not really anything wrong with this scenario (Goldblum is a damn good-looking fella at any age).

But here’s the part where I can’t decide if it’s adorable, creepy, or a combination of the two. Last night on Letterman, Goldblum and Dave began talking about Goldblum’s wife and her Olympic feats (she was a gymnast). Dave began showing images of Livingston’s ability to contort and stretch her body.

Newly married Goldblum, obviously in love and very proud, beamed as one might at his wife’s abilities, and if that had been the end of it, that’d be fine. But, Goldblum was also proud of the fact that — even at three months pregnant — Livingston could lift her foot above her head, so proud — in fact — that he brought his very uncomfortable wife out to demonstrate.

This is where it transformed from the adoration of a smitten husband to two old dudes in their 60s marveling at a younger woman’s abilities to do that thing with her leg.

Or maybe I’m just overreacting, but tell me that Emilie is not incredibly uncomfortable.