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Is Political Correctness Killing Comedy?

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 28, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 28, 2015 |

I am not a fan of The Nightly Show’s discussion format. As I’ve complained about at least a couple of times. But last night’s discussion has proven me wrong, and I’ve never been so happy about not being right.

After opening with another stellar take down of Cosby (this time about his “defense”), Wilmore had a table discussion about political correctness. With Colin Quinn. And it was amazing.

First things first, Sally Kohn, I might love you. I don’t know anything about you yet other than the fact that you seem too smart to be on CNN. But after making this statement:

“You can make jokes about anything. You can make jokes about rape. You just can’t imply that rape is a joke.”

and this face:

Sally Kohn.png

both directed at Colin Quinn, I feel like you and I should enjoy an adult beverage together.

Because Quinn was spouting the same nonsense that he seems great at. The world is too PC, comedians can’t make jokes about anything because people get “offended,” the people on the internet are the new Puritanical mob. OK.

I don’t think it’s my job to tell a comedian how they should do their job. And I won’t point out how what Quinn probably means is that “he doesn’t want to hear the empowered voices of non-white, non-male people object to his comedy.” But I will point out that if Quinn is still trying to make the same jokes from the 70s and 80s that he thinks are awesome, the problem with his comedy isn’t that the world got too PC.