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Introducing 'Bri & Pod,' the 'Game of Thrones' Spinoff You've Been Longing for Since 'Oathkeeper'

By Cindy Davis | Videos | May 22, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | May 22, 2014 |

Guys, I know we spend half our time discussing the latest episode of Game of Thrones episode, but what do we spend the other half doing? That’s right, we talk spinoffs: Arya and the Hound, Arya and Tywin, Jamie and Brienne, Varys and Oberyn, Oberyn and Tyrion (Oberyn and anyone)…the wonderful pairings on this show lend themselves to our own series ideas. Someone was inspired by recently thrown together odd couple Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne, who really are a dream comedy team. Here’s the result, set to the Pefect Strangers theme music. I would so watch this.

Look, Jaime’s there too! (So much better than incest…)

I’ve had my own spinoff series dreams.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)