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I Saw His Widow Twankey: Get Your Sunday Giggles Watching Sirs McKellen and Stewart Play The Newlywed Game

By Cindy Davis | Videos | April 13, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | April 13, 2014 |

They’re at it again, folks. Sirs Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart somehow got wrangled into playing a version of The Newlywed Game, and though they apparently spend every waking moment together, it looks like they know absolutely nothing about each other. Still, there are giggles aplenty for both us and them. Check it:

“Note they both began with the same letter…” Yeah, that was about your only victory boys. Well, that and being positively adorable.

(H/T Ryan P.)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) is still waiting to be asked to tour with the Sirs.