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How to Cope With Creepy Clowns

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | October 26, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | October 26, 2016 |

What the hell with the clowns!? Creepy clowns hanging out on the edge of forests and in playgrounds has become a growing and absolutely bizarre problem, first across the country and now across the pond in England. It’s caused kids to cower, parents to panic, and schools to cancel costume days to avoid clown creepers being able to slink into their schools.

It’s a trend that was at first sort of funny, but has quickly turned to squicking us out. To cope, I recommend the latest from Greg and Donny, a whip-smart webseries where a quartet of Yinzers discuss life, love, jagoffs, and creepy-ass clowns through video chat.

And if that hilarious Halloween special isn’t enough to ease your coulrophobia, call Batman.

Kristy Puchko can’t even with this creepy clown nonsense anymore.