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Here's the Moment that Jimmy Fallon Realizes He Disastrously Blew a Chance to Date Nicole Kidman

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 7, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 7, 2015 |

Nicole Kidman was on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night, and as they begin to recount the night they first met, it slowly dawns on Jimmy as Nicole explains it that, back in the day, she had tried to hook up with him. Jimmy apparently ignored all the signs, and ultimately blew a chance to date Kidman in the most unforgivable of ways. By the end, Kidman left the encounter under the belief that Fallon was maybe gay.

Oh Jimmy, you sweet, likable puppy dog. When a woman comes over to your apartment, don’t put on a fucking video game, bro. Oh, Jimmy.
