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Here's an Important PSA Highlighting the Differences Between Porn Sex, Real Sex, and Food Porn. Or Something

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | July 30, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | July 30, 2013 |

Have you ever wondered if real-life people were, in fact, more like porn stars behind closed doors? Maybe it’s just your relationship that involved less hair, less bondage, shorter periods of intercourse, and fewer orgasms!

Well, now you can put your mind at ease. Your neighbors aren’t like porn stars, or at least most of them aren’t. This video illustrates, using food and statistics, how real-life sex and porn sex are totally different.

You’re not inadequate! You’re average! Now, don’t you feel better about your unfulfilling sex lives? Also, a lot hungrier than you were two minutes ago?