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Game of thrones.jpg

Heavier Than A Needle But Lighter Than A Longclaw

By Miscellaneous | Videos | May 12, 2011 |

By Miscellaneous | Videos | May 12, 2011 |

Many people are enjoying HBO’s adaptation of A Game of Thrones and I’d be lying like Lannister if I said I wasn’t one of them. The show is not without it’s drawbacks and shortcomings but, given the material they’re working with, I’d say that they’re doing a fairly good job of telling the story within the time constraints they’re given to work with.

One of my favorite elements of the show (of which there are quite a few) is the opening credits. I think that they’re beautifully animated and their mechanical nature serves as an accurate allegory to the real workings of Westeros. Of course the music is beautiful and is well suited the story and the nature of the show. That doesn’t mean that someone isn’t going to go right ahead and do a cover of the theme in a different musical genre. However, in this case, I think it still works.

Via Topless Robot