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Has Olivia Wilde Wrangled Herself A Baby Goose?

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | March 1, 2011 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | March 1, 2011 |

Oh I know, that headline is pretty gross. Be thankful, though, I almost wrote “BABY GOOSE GONE WILDE?!!!?!11!!” However I thought I should leave the TMZinging to the experts. Okay, let’s break it down. A month and a half ago, Ryan Gosling (star of such entertaining masterworks as Half Nelson, Lars and The Real Girl and Fuck Yeah! Ryan Gosling) and Olivia Wilde (often nude, often bisexual and sometimes both nude and bisexual) were photographed (*gasp*) laughing together at a Golden Globes after party.

Gosling:Olivia Wilde.jpg

So the speculation tempest started brewing. Shortly thereafter, Wilde separated from her prince husband (not to be confused with a Prince husband which would, I imagine, involve a lot more purple) and the gossip winds blew and cracked their cheeks. I haven’t been able to sleep, have you? Not to count our Goslings before they hatch, but here, it appears, is some material evidence. Just for us, the viewers at home, some woman stalked Wilde and Gosling through what looks very much like a date at the Cincinnati Aquarium. So you can set your furiously beating hearts to rest. Gosling might possibly maybe be off the market because he might maybe possibly be giving the business to Olivia Wilde. You know what they say, Ohio is for lovers. (Hot, Wilde handholding action begins at minute 12 or so.)

[Via Lainey Gossip]

No matter how we feel about this pairing, I think we can all agree that even if Gosling and Wilde live happily ever after in a Newman/Woodwardesque* pairing of philanthropy and fine acting, they will never, ever, never be as cute as this. Ever.


*Joanna Robinson clearly does not believe Olivia Wilde holds a candle to Joanne Woodward but feels no doubt whatsoever in comparing Gosling to Paul Newman. Shine on you crazy blue-eyed diamonds.