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God, Ellen DeGeneres! Equality and Compassion? Why Do You Hate Narrow-Minded A**holery So Much?

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 8, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 8, 2012 |

Ellen DeGeneres? Two days in a row! What’s happened to my Pajiba? Where’s the bitching and the scathey and Ryan Gosling’s abs and Rachel Weitz’s legs? What is up with this Charlie-Brown looking lady with the pleasant demeanor?

Well, on today’s episode of “Ellen,” she responds to the “One Million Moms” group, those hateful little sh*ts who are advocating a protest of JCPenney because JCPenney has the audacity to use this hater of intolerance in their advertising. But because she’s so insufferably nice that even when she’s talking sh*t about lousy people she comes off all sweetness and light. GOD, Ellen DeGeneres! What is your problem?