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'Game of Thrones: The Musical' Continues With Nikolaj Coster-Waldau's Incesty Love Letter to Cersei

By Vivian Kane | Videos | May 20, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | May 20, 2015 |

Yesterday we were introduced to the wonder that is Game of Thrones: The Musical, by way of Tyrion’s weirdly sexy drunk uncle-ish self-serenade. Well good news, fans of fun things. The soundtrack continues today. “Closer to Home” is Jaime’s Coldplay-channeling love letter to his sister. See, Jaime just wants to hang out with Cersei on their own special incestuous branch of their family tree (preferably k-i-s-s-i-n-g). Here’s an example of the loving, heartfelt lyrics Jaime managed to write with his one hand:

Are you thinking ‘bout Joffrey?

Such a spirited lad.

I was his uncle.

I was also his dad.”


Game of Thrones: The Musical is a Coldplay-created mockumentary that is set to air as part of Red Letter Day this Thursday on NBC. What other characters are you hoping to hear sing their feelings?

Vivian Kane is hoping against hope for an Arya/Hound duet.