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For F@!&'s Sake, 'Celebrity Prankster' Makes Me Defend Kimye

By Emily Cutler | Videos | September 26, 2014 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | September 26, 2014 |


Yep, that’s Vitalii Sediuk at it again. The celebrity prankster sexual and physical assaulter tackled Kim Kardashian as she exited a limo at a Paris Fashion week event. This is the same jackass who’s assaulted a bunch of celebrities including Brad Pitt and America Ferrera just this past May. Seriously, why isn’t he in jail some place?

Oh, and about this, Vitalii?

“I hope Kim is OK and won’t be mad at me as I didn’t mean any harm. Kanye is one lucky man as Kim is a goddess!”

No one gives a fuck what you hope. Your opinion of Kim has no bearing on how she feels about you assaulting her. The fact that Kanye managed to not punch you in the face is an amazing feat of self-control on his part. You are not being cute or funny and this is not performance art. You are an asshole. Knock it the fuck off.

Source: Huffington Post