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For Everyone Who Couldn't Care Less About the World Cup, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Is Here For Us

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 25, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 25, 2014 |

I don’t think I’m going to make many enemies here by saying I really don’t care about the World Cup. While I do support pretty much any socially sanctioned reason to gather in a bar at 9 am, I don’t like soccer the rest of the year, so I can’t pretend to like it now. And it turns out Triumph the Insult Comic Dog agrees, giving what amounts to the perfect description of the game:

You have to love soccer. The excitement of minimal contact, the thrill of low scoring. If you like watching porn in reverse, this sport is for you.

He made the rounds to some New York bars to heckle fans from a bunch of teams, cause he’s fair like that.