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Everything About This White Noise Sketch Is Perfection

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | October 14, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | October 14, 2016 |

We make a lot of jokes at the expense of the Alt Right* here. But the crew at AJ+ has outdone us with a blisteringly biting parody video called “White Noise.”

Structured like those variety CD commercials that were huge in the 2000s, “White Noise” features a goateed white male wearing a Dark Knight Joker shirt as he rails against PC culture and rocks out to the tunes of the Alt Right. Songs include lyrics like “How come black people can say black power, but when I say white power people get mad,” and titles like “F*** The PC Police,” “You’re My Border Wall,” and “I Got 99 Problems and Bitches Are All of Them,” as well as band names like My Chemical Bromance and The Um Actuallys. Plus, Stephan Jenkins cameo!

I can’t stop watching this. Every time I catch another gem, like how the price for the CD is the year Nazis incited World War II, or how the guy’s dancing is basically double handjobs. But we should expect nothing less from the kick-ass folks who brought us White Fragility.

*Racist fuckwads