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Everyone's Internet Girlfriend, Anna Kendrick, Adorably Reacts To The Runaway Success Of "Cups"

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | August 14, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | August 14, 2013 |

In a recent Instagram post, Anna Kendrick eloquently and lengthily expressed her shock and awe over the fact that her single from Pitch Perfect, “Cups,” has been in the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 chart for five weeks. I’ll let the lady speak for herself.

Shock and awwwww, right? I mean, she’s not wrong. It’s a cute song and I didn’t at all mind that a wee neighbor girl tried to teach it to me for several hours at a party a few weeks back. Not. At. All. But, this is kind of ridiculous. In case you’ve been living under a rock…

And, in conclusion, though we’ve mentioned before how splendidly dear Anna Kendrick’s Instagram is, it bears repeating. Because that thing is deep fried gold.

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