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Even If You've Lost Interest in 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' a FitzSimmons-Centric Deleted Scene Is Never a Bad Thing

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 9, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 9, 2014 |

A deleted scene from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has just been released for the Italian market (so fancy), and it gives us a bit of insight into the history of Fitz and Simmons, the indisputable (TRY ME!) best part of that show. It’s a tad suffocating in the exposition, but at least the show is FINALLY* acknowledging that Simmons is really crazy super hot. You can’t just cover that up with some goggles. Your audience does, generally speaking have eyeballs (and ears— that accent).

*I stopped watching midway through the season. Maybe they started dedicating entire plot lines to how gorgeous both she and Fitz are. Don’t correct me. Let me believe they did that, okay?