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Emmy-Winning Julia Louis-Dreyfus Has a Meltdown Over a Coffee Order (All in Good Fun)

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 24, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 24, 2013 |

I wouldn’t typically run a prank video that we already know is a prank video, but this is not only seriously fun, but it really does display Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ outstanding acting range. If you only know her from Seinfeld, you really should check out Veep. It’s one of the smartest, funniest television shows around, and she deserves every Emmy she gets from that show (and it deserves a bigger audience), and she somehow caught the Clooney: The ability to look more beautiful the more she ages. The woman is goddamn stunning.

Anyway, Kimmel shows snippets from other actual YouTube videos in which people have epic meltdowns, and then presents Louis-Dreyfus’ fake meltdown in a coffee shop. If you didn’t know it was staged, you’d probably believe it. That’s how good Louis-Dreyfus is.