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Ellen Degeneres Confronts Channing Tatum With His Biggest Fear, And He Freaks The Hell Out

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 11, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | September 11, 2014 |

Pediophobia, or fear of dolls, is actually fairly common, encompassed under automatonophobia, or a fear of humanoid figures. Pediophobia can be caused by an early childhood trauma, while others suggest its basically a fear of inanimate objects coming to life. Like, robots coming to life and eating old people’s medicine. Symptoms to pediophobia, according to Wikipedia, include “an elevated heart rate, inability to speak or think clearly, panic, dread, trembling, breathlessness, crying, and nausea. In worse cases an individual would have a feeling of insanity, a loss of control or anger, heart palpitations, a sensation of detachment from reality, or a full-blown anxiety attack.”

I’d put Channing Tatum’s pediophobia firmly in the “panic and dread” category, just short of crying and nausea. Given a few more minutes with Ellen and those $@#!ing porcelain dolls, however, he may have experienced full-blown insanity.