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Eddie Vedder Performs 'Frozen's' 'Let It Go' The Way It's Meant to Be Performed, Goddamnit

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 23, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 23, 2014 |

My disdain for the persistent earworm “Let It Go” from Frozen is on the record here. For two of the longest months of my life, it was the only goddamn song my children would allow me to play. In fact, they insisted upon it. Still, it was once a good song, before they began PLAYING IT IN SPORTS BARS, and when a group of Marines sing it, when it’s mashed up with Game of Thrones, or when Patton Oswalt sings it with disgust, it can still hold some power.

And nothing renews the power of song more than Eddie Vedder’s voice. I’m guessing that he’s had the Frozen track inflicted on him so many times by his daughters (ages 6 and 8) that the only way he could exorcise it from his brain was to perform it.

Bonus: He performed it as a tag to Daughter.

via JoRo!