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Did You Know That the Amazing Paul Rudd Has Quietly Been Pulling Off One of the Longest Running Jokes in Late-Night History?

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | December 13, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | December 13, 2013 |

I don’t watch Conan O’Brian’s late-night shows often enough to pick up on this, but someone edited together all of his appearances on Conan’s various late-night shows, and as it turns out, he’s been pulling one of the longest running jokes in late-night history. Every time he appears on Conan, when he’s asked to show a clip for whatever movie he’s promoting, he shows the same one, and it’s never the movie he’s promoting (I won’t spoil the clip for you).

It’s amusing at first, and then obnoxious, and like the best long-running gags, it flowers into an absurd delight by the end (sadly, the person who made the video didn’t edit it together chronologically, but you get the point). You’re probably going to want to skip through the clip itself after the first time, and just sit back and appreciate Conan’s growing frustration. (The best bit is around the 5:15 mark, where Rudd explains why he couldn’t show the clip one time).

It gets funnier every time.

(Hat Tip: Reddit)