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Charming Potato, The Emu, and a Two Year Old Combine for a Video that Blows the Mind and Warms the Heart

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | December 4, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | December 4, 2013 |

I’d seen Trick-Shot Titus, the two-year old boy who can basically make a free throw from anywhere on Fallon or Kimmel adorably out-shooting Charming Potato, but I had not see any of his YouTube videos. They’re crazy outstanding, and the latest features Brad Cooper and Channing Tatum. Some of these shots probably take a few hundred shots before it lands (right? RIGHT?), but on the hand, wow. The last shot gave me the goose-flesh. I’m also a huge sucker for a good Dad moment.

(H/T Most Watched Today)