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Just Let the Bloody Dog Into the Garden! Damn Cats!

By Petr Navovy | Videos | April 25, 2019 |

By Petr Navovy | Videos | April 25, 2019 |


I’m tired, man.

The threat of climate change-led apocalypse has become so dire that children are having to protest for their very future. And the right-wing media bullies them for doing so.

That same media engages in racist and misogynist harassment campaigns against Labour MPs.

And Jordan bloody Peterson is selling lobster t-shirts for $34 a pop.

I’m just goddamn tired.

So if someone says to me, ‘Hey, wanna watch a 2 minute video of a jubilant and unflappable dog trying to cross over into the neighbour’s garden while some grumpy-looking cats play defence and try stop him?’ my only response will be: ‘Could you make it into a feature length movie?’

(Source: Walter Santi’s YouTube channel)

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